This article lists actions for businesses to make sure they are able to receive goods from the EU, if the UK leaves the EU without a deal. How to Import from EU to the UK after Brexit:

➀ Make sure your business has an EORI number that starts with GB

First, you will need an Economic Operator Registration and Identification (EORI) number starting with GB to continue importing goods.


➁ Decide who will make the import declarations

You can hire someone to deal with customs for you, or you may wish to do it yourself.


➂ Apply to make importing easier

You can apply to use ‘transitional simplified procedures’ to reduce the amount of information you need to give at the border. You may also be able to use the Common Transit Convention (CTC) to simplify how your goods pass through customs and when you pay customs duties.


④ Set up a duty deferment account if you import regularly

Set up a duty deferment account if you want to be able to make one payment of customs duties a month instead of paying for individual shipments. You must set one up if you plan to use transitional simplified procedures.


⑤ Check the rate of tax and duty you’ll need to pay

Most importantly, you will need to pay customs duties and VAT on all imports. You will also need to pay excise duties if you’re importing alcohol, tobacco or biofuels.


⑥ Check what you need to do for the type of goods you import

Depending on what you’re importing, there might be other things you’ll need to do to get your business ready. For example, you might need to change the labelling on your goods, apply for licences, or find an approved UK border inspection post where your goods can enter the UK.


⑦ Get help and support

If you need any further help on import from EU to the UK after Brexit or any related VAT matters, please feel free to contact us or send email at

